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2024-01-25 09:50



Numeric ret2 = IIF(pointreverseflag, 0, -1);

Commentary(pointreverseflag + Text(ret2));


Commentary(pointreverseflag + Text(ret2));







pointreverseflag 怎么定义的

2024-01-25 10:03

Global Bool pointreverseflag(False);

2024-01-25 10:05


2024-01-25 11:06


// 简称: fishhook_wyf

// 名称: fishhook_wyf

// 类别: 公式应用

// 类型: 用户应用

// 输出: Void




Numeric period(10);

Numeric pcgrationthresold(0.02);

Numeric wintick(30);

Numeric losstick(30);

Numeric drawback(0.01);



Numeric pcg;

Global Numeric currentpcg;

Global Numeric postarget;

Global Numeric pointindex;

Global Numeric pointprice;

Global Numeric pointdirection(0);

Global Bool pointreverseflag(False);

Global Bool pointreadflag(False);

Global Bool breakflag(False);

Global Numeric pointverseindex(0);

Global Numeric pointverseprice(0);

Global String pointversedate;

Global Numeric direction(0);

numeric rightrange ;

Global numeric StopLossPrice ;

Global numeric StopProfitPrice ;

Global numeric StopLossPrice2 ;

Global numeric Openprice ;

Global numeric myEntryPrice ;

numeric highprice ;

numeric lowprice ;

Series<Numeric> AvgTR;

Series<Numeric> volume;

Global Array<string> sectionarry;

Global Array<string> BlackSection;

Global Array<string> ChemSection;

Global Array<string> AgriSection;

Global Array<string> MentalSection;

Global Array<string> OilSection;

Global integer fund;

Global Map<string,integer> fundmoney;

String symbol_target;

String exgname;

Global String ve;



Numeric calcAvg(Numeric a,Numeric b)


return (a+b)/2;







BlackSection = [\"rb\", \"hc\", \"i\", \"j\", \"jm\"];

ChemSection = [\"l\", \"v\", \"pp\", \"pg\", \"eb\", \"eg\", \"ma\", \"ta\", \"pf\", \"fg\", \"sa\", \"ru\", \"ur\", \"bu\",\"sp\",\"nr\"];

MentalSection = [\"cu\",\"al\",\"ni\",\"zn\", \"ag\",\"au\", \"ss\", \"sf\", \"sm\"];

AgriSection = [\"a\", \"b\", \"c\", \"cs\", \"m\", \"p\", \"rm\", \"y\", \"oi\", \"cj\", \"ap\"];

OilSection = [\"sc\", \"lu\", \"fu\"];







OnDic(StringRef dicName,StringRef dicSymbol,DicDataRef dicValue)




OnBarOpen(ArrayRef<Integer> indexs)




OnBar(ArrayRef<Integer> indexs)


If(BarStatus == 0)


symbol_target  = lower(SymbolType());

if (ArrayFind(BlackSection,symbol_target))

{fund = 200000;}

if (ArrayFind(ChemSection,symbol_target))

{fund = 150000;}

if (ArrayFind(MentalSection,symbol_target))

{fund = 100000;}

if (ArrayFind(AgriSection,symbol_target))

{fund = 50000;}

if (ArrayFind(OilSection,symbol_target))

{fund = 50000;}

//fund = 50000;


fund = 150000;

   volume = Vol();

pcg =  close / close[period] - 1;

highprice = Highest(close[1],period);

lowprice = Lowest(close[1],period);

AvgTR = XAverage(TrueRange,period);

numeric TurtleUnits = IntPart( (fund/10) /( AvgTR[1] * ContractUnit() * BigPointValue() ));

while(min(fund,Portfolio_CurrentEquity())  < TurtleUnits *  close * ContractUnit() * MarginRatio())


TurtleUnits = TurtleUnits * 0.7;


TurtleUnits = IntPart(TurtleUnits); // 对小数取整

TurtleUnits = MIN(TurtleUnits,50);

TurtleUnits = MAX(TurtleUnits,2);

Commentary(\"wyf:\" + Text(TurtleUnits *  close * ContractUnit() * 0.1));

Commentary(\"close - pointprice\" + Text(close - pointprice));

Commentary(\"pointprice\" + Text(pointprice));

Commentary(\"pcg::::\" + Text(pcg));

Numeric ret1 = IIF(breakflag, 0, -1);

Numeric ret2 = IIF(pointreverseflag, 0, -1);

Commentary(\"pointreverseflag\" + Text(ret2));

Commentary(\"breakflag\" + Text(ret1));

Commentary(\"postarget\" + Text(postarget));

Commentary(\"TurtleUnits:\" + Text(TurtleUnits));

Commentary(\"AvgTR[1]:\" + Text(AvgTR[1]));

Commentary(\"pointdirection:\" + Text(pointdirection));

Commentary(\"direction:\" + Text(direction));

Commentary(\"Time\" + Text(Time()));

Commentary(\"date\" + Text(Date()));

Numeric ret3 = IIF(pcg > currentpcg, 0, -1);

Numeric ret4 = IIF(close >= Highest(close[1],period), 0, -1);

Commentary(\"pcg > currentpcg\" + Text(ret3));

Commentary(\"close > Highest(close[1],period)\" + Text(ret4));

Commentary(\"Portfolio_CurrentEquity:\" + Text(Portfolio_CurrentEquity()));

Commentary(\"BigPointValue:\" + Text(BigPointValue()));

Commentary(\"PriceScale:\" + Text(ContractSize()));


// 初始逻辑and close >= Highest(close[1],period)

if ((not breakflag) and postarget == 0)


if (pcg > pcgrationthresold and close >= highprice)


postarget = 1;

currentpcg = pcg;

breakflag = True;

pointindex = CurrentBar;

pointprice = close;

pointdirection = 1;

pointreadflag = True;

Commentary(\"Long\" );


if (pcg < -pcgrationthresold and close <= lowprice)


postarget = -1;

currentpcg = pcg;

breakflag = True;

pointindex = CurrentBar;

pointprice = close;

pointdirection = -1;

pointreadflag = True;



// 更新阈值

if (breakflag == True)


// 更新 (close >= Highest(close[1],period)) or (pcg > currentpcg)

if ((postarget == 1) and ((close >= highprice) or(pcg > currentpcg) ) and pointreverseflag == False)


postarget = 1;

currentpcg = pcg;

breakflag = True;

pointreadflag = True;

pointindex = CurrentBar;

pointdirection = 1;

pointprice = max(close,pointprice);

Commentary(\"LONG update\");


// 更新

if ((postarget == -1) and (pcg < currentpcg or close < lowprice) and pointreverseflag == False)


postarget = -1;

currentpcg = pcg;

breakflag = True;

pointindex = CurrentBar;

pointdirection = -1;

pointprice = min(close,pointprice);


// 反转

if (postarget == 1 and pcg < -1 * pcgrationthresold)


postarget = -1;

currentpcg = pcg;

breakflag = True;

pointindex = CurrentBar;

pointreadflag = True;

pointreverseflag = False;

pointprice = close;

pointdirection = -1;

PRINT(\"LONG Reverse\");


// 反转

if (postarget == -1 and pcg > 1 * pcgrationthresold)


postarget = 1;

currentpcg = pcg;

breakflag = True;

pointindex = CurrentBar;

pointreadflag = True;

pointreverseflag = False;

pointprice = close;

pointdirection = 1;



// 判断是否反弹

if(pointreadflag and not pointreverseflag)


// 反弹价格必须在一定的范围以内MinMove() * PriceScale()

//if ( Abs(close - pointprice) >= 0 * MinMove() * PriceScale() and Abs(close - pointprice) <=  30 * MinMove() * PriceScale())


if ((pointdirection == 1 and close  > pointprice * (1 - drawback) ) or (pointdirection == -1 and close <= pointprice * (1 + drawback )))


if ((pointdirection == 1 and (close < pointprice or close < open)) or (pointdirection == -1 and (close > pointprice or close > open) ))



pointreverseflag = True;

pointverseindex = CurrentBar;

pointverseprice = close;

pointversedate = Text(Date());

return ;




// 反弹太多



//if ((pointprice - close) * pointdirection > 30 * MinMove() * PriceScale())

if ((pointprice - close) * pointdirection > pointprice * drawback )


pointdirection = 0;

pointindex = CurrentBar;

pointreadflag = False;

pointreverseflag = False;

breakflag = False;

currentpcg = 0;

pointprice = 0;

postarget = 0;




// 准备开仓

if (pointreadflag AND pointreverseflag AND pointprice!=0 AND Text(Date()) > pointversedate)


// longAvgEntryPrice

if (high >= pointprice and pointdirection == 1 and MarketPosition == 0)


rightrange = CurrentBar - pointindex ;

if (rightrange < period and CurrentBar - pointverseindex >= 1)


//numeric TurtleUnits = max(1, IntPart(100000 / (ContractSize() * close)));

Commentary(\"SEND Text:\" + Text(TurtleUnits));

//TurtleUnits = 1;



myEntryPrice = IIF(pointprice < Open, Open, pointprice);

Buy(TurtleUnits, myEntryPrice);

Openprice = myEntryPrice;

StopLossPrice = Openprice - 0.25 *  (highprice - lowprice);

StopProfitPrice = Openprice +  0.25 * (highprice - lowprice);

StopProfitPrice = max(StopProfitPrice,close);

//StopLossPrice = Openprice -  losstick * MinMove() * PriceScale();

//StopProfitPrice = Openprice +  wintick * MinMove() * PriceScale();

direction = 1 ;

Commentary(\"StopLossPrice:\" + Text(StopLossPrice));

Commentary(\"StopProfitPrice:\" + Text(StopProfitPrice));


pointdirection = 0;

pointindex = CurrentBar;

pointreadflag = False;

pointreverseflag = False;

breakflag = False;

currentpcg = 0;

pointprice = 0;

postarget = 0;

pointreadflag = False ;

pointreverseflag = False;


//return ;




pointdirection = 0;

pointindex = CurrentBar;

pointreadflag = False;

pointreverseflag = False;

breakflag = False;

currentpcg = 0;

pointprice = 0;

postarget = 0;

pointreadflag = False ;

pointreverseflag = False;

direction = 0;




// short

if (Low <= pointprice and pointdirection == -1 and MarketPosition == 0)


rightrange = CurrentBar - pointindex;

if (rightrange < period and CurrentBar - pointverseindex >= 1)


//numeric unit = max(1, IntPart(1000000 / (ContractSize() * close)));

//TurtleUnits = 1;

myEntryPrice = IIF(pointprice > Open, Open, pointprice);

SellShort(TurtleUnits, myEntryPrice);

Openprice = myEntryPrice;

StopLossPrice = Openprice + 0.25 * (highprice - lowprice);

StopProfitPrice = Openprice - 0.25 * (highprice - lowprice);

StopProfitPrice = min(StopProfitPrice,close);

//StopLossPrice = Openprice +  losstick * MinMove() * PriceScale();

//StopProfitPrice = Openprice -  wintick * MinMove() * PriceScale();

direction = -1 ;





pointdirection = 0;

pointindex = CurrentBar;

pointreadflag = False;

pointreverseflag = False;

breakflag = False;

currentpcg = 0;

pointprice = 0;

postarget = 0;

pointreadflag =False ;

pointreverseflag = False;


return ;




pointdirection = 0;

pointindex = CurrentBar;

pointreadflag = False;

pointreverseflag = False;

breakflag = False;

currentpcg = 0;

pointprice = 0;

postarget = 0;

pointreadflag =False ;

pointreverseflag = False;

direction = 0;






If(MarketPosition == 1)


//and volume >= Highest(volume[1],period);and volume > Highest(volume[1], period)

if (High >= StopProfitPrice or low < StopLossPrice)



if(low < StopLossPrice )

{Sell(0, StopLossPrice);

Commentary(\"stop1:\" +Text(StopLossPrice));


if (High >= StopProfitPrice)



   //Sell(0, StopProfitPrice);

StopProfitPrice = StopProfitPrice + wintick * MinMove() * PriceScale();

StopProfitPrice = max(StopProfitPrice, close);

StopLossPrice = StopProfitPrice - 1 * losstick * MinMove() * PriceScale();


if (close > StopProfitPrice)


StopProfitPrice = max(close,StopProfitPrice);

StopLossPrice = StopProfitPrice - 2 * losstick *  MinMove() * PriceScale();




Commentary(\"StopProfitPrice:\" + Text(StopProfitPrice));


direction = 0 ;

pointdirection = 0;

pointindex = CurrentBar;

pointreadflag = False;

pointreverseflag = False;

breakflag = False;

currentpcg = 0;

pointprice = 0;

postarget = 0;




If(MarketPosition == -1)


if (Low < StopProfitPrice or High > StopLossPrice )


if (High > StopLossPrice)

{BuyToCover(0, StopLossPrice);}

if (low < StopProfitPrice)



StopProfitPrice = StopProfitPrice - wintick * MinMove() * PriceScale();

StopProfitPrice = min(StopProfitPrice, close);

StopLossPrice = StopProfitPrice  + 1 * losstick * MinMove() * PriceScale();

Commentary(\"StopProfitPrice:\" + Text(StopProfitPrice));

Commentary(\"StopLossPrice:\" + Text(StopLossPrice));


if (close < StopProfitPrice)


StopProfitPrice = Min(close,StopProfitPrice);;

StopLossPrice = StopProfitPrice + 2 * losstick *  MinMove() * PriceScale();




direction = 0 ;

pointdirection = 0;

pointindex = CurrentBar;

pointreadflag = False;

pointreverseflag = False;

breakflag = False;

currentpcg = 0;

pointprice = 0;

postarget = 0;



Commentary(\"pointprice111111:::\" + Text(pointprice));

Commentary(\"StopProfitPrice:\" + Text(StopProfitPrice));

Commentary(\"StopLossPrice:\" + Text(StopLossPrice));

Commentary(\"pointreverseflag\" + Text(ret2));

Commentary(\"CurrentBar - pointverseindex :\" + Text(CurrentBar - pointverseindex));



OnBarClose(ArrayRef<Integer> indexs)




OnTick(TickRef evtTick)




OnPosition(PositionRef pos)




OnStrategyPosition(PositionRef pos)




OnOrder(OrderRef ord)




OnFill(FillRef ordFill)




OnTimer(Integer id,Integer intervalMillsecs)




OnEvent(StringRef evtName,MapRef<String,String> evtValue)









// 编译版本 2024-01-03 130948

// 版权所有 wyf15158043478

// 更改声明 TradeBlazer Software保留对TradeBlazer平台

// 每一版本的TradeBlazer公式修改和重写的权利


2024-01-26 08:20


2024-01-26 09:02
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